Salil Chawla 

Global Product Manager, Benchtop Products
“I believe that effective product leadership in the color measurement and communication industry is about empowering teams to innovate, fostering an environment of transparency, and driving collaboration to solve complex challenges. “

— Salil Chawla

As a Global Product Manager at Datacolor, Salil is dedicated to driving innovation and delivering impactful solutions in the color measurement and formulation industry. With over a decade of expertise in guiding products from concept to launch, he focuses on aligning offerings with market needs, ensuring precision, and exceeding customer expectations. By leveraging a data- and context-driven approach and fostering collaboration across cross-functional teams, he strives to achieve measurable success—advancing product performance and enhancing customer satisfaction. His goal is to help Datacolor continue shaping the future of color measurement and formulation while fostering a culture of transparency, empowerment, and innovation.

Experience + Success

  • Over a decade of cross-functional experience in Engineering, R&D, and Product Management
  • Managed multi-million product lines in automotive, energy, and lab equipment sectors
team members sitting at table matching colors

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We Get Color Right.