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Downloads do software Colibri®

Descubra a nova geração de produtos Datacolor que podem substituir os seus produtos obsoletos mais antigos.

Se não tiver certeza de qual Colibri 24.x é o ideal para você, analise esta comparação antes de fazer o download.

Consulte os requisitos do software antes de fazer o download e os guias antes da instalação.
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Selezionate il software che state cercando di scaricare:

Datacolor Colibri 24.3.2

Requisitos do sistema

Operating System
Windows 10 and 11 (all 64 Bit)
Microsoft .NET 8.0 Desktop Runtime (x86)
Microsoft .NET 8.0 Runtime (x64)
Microsoft .NET 8.0 Runtime (x86)
Microsoft ASP.NET Core 8.0 Runtime (x64)
Microsoft ASP.NET Core 8.0 Runtime (x86)
Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime for Visual Studio 2022 v.17 (x86)
With local SQL Server Express: Quad Core or higher (64bit)
Without SQL Server Express: Dual Core or higher (64bit)
With local SQL Server Express: 16 GB or more
Without SQL Server Express: 16 GB or more
Hard drive
Without local Database: Approximately 10GB of available hard-disk or Solid-state drive space
With local Database: 40 GB of available Solid-state drive space
1920×1080, 1920×1200, high DPI Displays not recommended
Graphic card
Graphic card supporting OpenGL 2.1 (only for 3D Gamut Viewer)
Serial or USB or Bluetooth (depending on spectrophotometer model)
Other Requirements
For local database, Microsoft SQL Server Express Edition 2017 and newer.
For Microsoft SQL Server system requirements and licensing, please look at http://www.microsoft.com/sqlserver


Datacolor Colibri 24.3.2 Classic

Requisitos do sistema

Operating System
Windows 10 and 11 (all 64 Bit)
Microsoft .NET 8.0 Desktop Runtime (x86)
Microsoft .NET 8.0 Runtime (x64)
Microsoft .NET 8.0 Runtime (x86)
Microsoft ASP.NET Core 8.0 Runtime (x64)
Microsoft ASP.NET Core 8.0 Runtime (x86)
Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime for Visual Studio 2022 v.17 (x86)
With local SQL Server Express: Quad Core or higher (64bit)
Without SQL Server Express: Dual Core or higher (64bit)
With local SQL Server Express: 16 GB or more
Without SQL Server Express: 16 GB or more
Hard drive
Without local Database: Approximately 10GB of available hard-disk or Solid-state drive space
With local Database: 40 GB of available Solid-state drive space
1920×1080, 1920×1200, high DPI Displays not recommended
Graphic card
Graphic card supporting OpenGL 2.1 (only for 3D Gamut Viewer)
Serial or USB or Bluetooth (depending on spectrophotometer model)
Other Requirements
For local database, Microsoft SQL Server Express Edition 2017 and newer.
For Microsoft SQL Server system requirements and licensing, please look at http://www.microsoft.com/sqlserver


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