Wondering what Match Pigment 4 color matching software is all about? We put together this guide to get you up to speed on our latest software and how it’s improving the digital color management process for the paint, pigment, and plastic industries.
What is Match Pigment?
Match Pigment is our color formulation software. It works in tandem with our spectrophotometers to help you achieve the right color every time. It can also save you time and money, but we’ll get to that a bit later. For now, here’s a short video:
A whole range of materials, including paints, pigments, plastics, leather, inks, and cosmetics.
SmartMatch is something extra we added to Match Pigment. It’s in there to help you improve first-shot color match rates by up to 80%. It also reduces the need to make physical matches. Our resident paint and coatings expert, Jeff Watts, dives further into the details of SmartMatch.
Why is digital color management important?
Everyone sees color differently—even well-trained color experts. The way we see color can change from person to person and even by the hour. If someone’s eyes are fatigued or they’re just having an off day, it could easily lead to improper matches. And that starts the whole process over from the beginning. On the other hand, digital color management can cut costs, shorten formulation time, and help you gain a widespread reputation for accuracy.
We’d be happy to. The hardware (a spectrophotometer) is used for color measurement and can be either stationary or portable. The software component (Match Pigment in this case) gives you a visual display of that measured data. The result: digital color communication.
Makes sense. But how do I choose the right color management solution for my paint, coatings, or plastics needs?
Kenny Thomas, our Senior Application Specialist, is here to help. Here’s a short guide he wrote to get you started on the right path. We also have a tool for selecting the right benchtop instrument, which you can find here.
A lot of things, actually. Here’s a video that details everything that’s new.
Only five? If you insist:
(Do we really have to stop at five?)
We’ve created guides to three of them: Product Line Maintenance, Gamut Mapping and Smart Correction.
I’m intrigued, but I’m going to need to see a spec sheet first.
Right this way for the specs you desire.
You said this was an “ultimate guide,” but I want to know more!
We thought you might say that. Head this way to fill out a few pieces of information and a member of our team will reach out to schedule a conversation. You can also request a quote here.
Thanks for reading and happy matching!
When data meets color, inspiration meets results.